Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Watching Hippos today

Well I've been in St Lucia for a couple of days now and I am finally off to Sodwana tomorrow to start my long awaited diving course.  Here is a picture of those interesting fellows....

Also some other pictures of what I've been up to.....

Me rock climbing.......

Stunning views from the Drakensberg.....

Cintsa surf competition......

Me almost being blown of a mountain in Lesotho......


  1. Brilliant photos. Matilda liked the ones of the hippos, and she got all excited when she saw you :) It all looks breathtaking. Miss you! xxx

  2. Breathtaking views! Matilda always likes pictures of "de l'eau" with or without hippos!
    Love Mum xxx

  3. Hope the hippos were further away than they looked; I've heard they can be quite agressive. Views great, what height are the Drakensbergs?

    The real Michael Pilbeam
