Thursday, 30 September 2010

Back into the real world, for a short while!

Well, I haven't been near the internet for over a week now and I have just a quick 5 minutes so I thought I'd write a quick post to let everyone know I am still alive!

Well I've been in Cintsa for a week now and it has just been one big party with the occasional bit of exercise.  Went on a bike ride yesterday morning to visit a Xhosa village, I meant to have a quite night the day before.  Well that didn't happen and after far too many shots later we staggered back across the beach at 2.30 am!  Getting up at 8am to go on a bike ride was not easy.  Needless to say two minutes in I fell off my bike and gave myself some cool new grazes that I think will give me some new scars to add to the collection.  So the lesson for the day was not to go bike riding when still drunk from the night before!

Anyway my internet time is just about to run out so I'll say goodbye for now and promise to post a more in depth  description of my time in Cintsa at a later  date.


  1. Glad to hear you're still alive, if wounded. And you're quite right, only come back into the real world for a short while :) xxx

  2. Hi Ben, good to have a few noble and interesting scars to tell the grandchildren about.
    Talking about the real world; Lotus have just launched 5 new cars including a gentlemans fast 4 door, 4 seater called the elite; the Elise has been uprated to V8 producing 620bhp with prices up to £135k.


  3. I would have thought you wouldn't need a lesson tto know that it is not a good idea to ride a bike whilst being drunk. Afterall, it is illegal to ride a bike whilst under the influence in the UK.
